Weather Update - Saturday, Feb. 15:
9am Mass and confessions will occur as scheduled.
3:45pm confessions and 4:30pm Mass are expected to occur as scheduled. Check back here for further updates.We are learning the sung version of the ‘Our Father’ in Latin, known as the Pater Noster, before each weekend Mass. This initiative is meant to deepen our connection with the universal language of the Church.
Monday - Friday: 9am - 3pm
Parish Inclement Weather PolicyThe Diocese of Lansing did a feature interview with Kari Edwards, our director of development and special projects, about the beautifications in our church. She describes the theological, artistic, and practical considerations that went into our renovations. Enjoy:
"Beauty is a key to the mystery and a call to transcendence ... it stirs that hidden nostalgia for God," Pope Saint John Paul II, Letter to Artists, Easter Sunday 1999. You are invited in this video to take a tour of Saint Mary in Williamston, Michigan, led by Kari Edwards, Director of Development & Special Projects.
"The beautiful cathedrals that people visit in Europe were built over generations, they didn't have project start and end dates, the faithful were always building and working towards creating more beauty," explains Kari, "And so we wanted to continue the work that was begun here in 1985 when the church was built."
If you have been abused or victimized by someone representing the Catholic Church, please believe in the possibility for hope and help and healing. We encourage you to come forward and speak out.
Every diocese in the United States now has a victim assistance coordinator who is available to obtain support for your needs, to help make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese and to arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, if you desire.
The Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Diocese of Lansing is Lisa Veenstra, LMSW. You can reach her:
Toll-free: 888-308-6252
Email: [email protected]
Diocese of Lansing
Office for Victim Assistance
In addition, you may also report through the law enforcement toll-free reporting hotline at (844)324-3374, Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm or by email at [email protected].
Photo of Mary Magdalene and the sanctuary photo above are courtesy of Granda Liturgical Arts. Photography by Matthew Mitchell.